‘Digital’ when we first hear this word ….one thing comes to our mind, and that is Easy. Yes, exactly everything is easy in the digital world…..at the tip of our fingers! You can change the world by just one click…that might sound like a cliché’, but it’s TRUE…

But is this target achievable?

Being from a non-digital field I would say to some extent it’s achievable…why only to some extent…firstly if you view from a common man’s point these ads (I am talking about the ones which pop-up when you are watching something really interesting)…are these viewable and believable.

Yes, the digital marketing training is quite eye-catching….but the biggest question is are these believable…..or rather I would say authentic. In this digital world, where now and then security issues popup it becomes difficult to decide what is true and what is false.

First, let us know what is

Marketing: Marketing is promoting and selling products or services with the use of market research and advertising.

Traditional marketing: The use of conventional advertising methods like newspapers, billboards, radio, magazines.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing: Promoting products and services using digital technologies like internet, email, mobile, etc. In order to generate sales.

But it’s the need of the hour… Digital Marketing is something like an accelerator in a car….it can help grow. Or we can say guarantee to grow businesses by leaps and bounds ….in a matter of time. The biggest examples of this are the flourishing start-up’s….they are growing like anything with the help of this inexpensive, highly effective DIGITAL MARKETING. Me being from a medical background ….get to hear patients coming to a doctor after having seen doctors ad on Facebook pages, and other similar mediums. Even doctors post their success stories …ads on these mediums.

Now that’s a big shift I can say…all thanks to the internet! Digital medical marketing… it’s happening…who would have thought of it five years back…

Digital marketing the most IN thing now.

Benefitting both marketer and the consumer

Everyone is spoilt for choices. Creating room for more competition..which in turn leads to businesses being more organized, efficient, and most important consumer-friendly…that’s what matters to us An Easy, Efficient, Fast-Paced

The other thing which I want to highlight about digital marketing training is that kids have access to those. Kids learn through audio-visual medium very fast then we can expect…uncensored, and unrestricted popup ads are a big area of concern. It’s up to us at last what to watch and whatnot.